Service and spareparts
Elogic has a full build up service and spare part concept. We have stored spare parts for all current panel systems, but beside this we are also able to deliver spare parts to the systems LK-Domino, LK type 1000 (1414) and Nes type 41. Our experienced and well educated service technicians are capable to perform service in the full specter from changing in complicated control systems and to bigger replacement of busbar systems and big breakers . We have the opportunity to prepare the most parts to secure a low down time on site. If there should be a need for make special copper parts on site this is also an opportunity since we have portable hydraulic tools that can prepare busbars up to a size of 10x100 mm.
Beside this Elogic have an archive of drawings of panels produced by the manufacturer LK, Nes, LK-Nes, Circuit electric, demex electric and DLK. Our files consist of several hundred thousands of drawings, whereof the oldest is back from the 1950’s